Geoloras from a bird´s eye view Geological map:

The study of the fossils, which we can be found when walking along Las Loras, allows us to rebuild the geological history of the territory. In order to understand the origin of Las Loras landscape and its geological structures, a long travel in time must be undertaken, going back to the Secondary Era or Mesozoic, 250 million years ago.
The Earth was very different from now at that moment. All landmasses were assembled, forming a sole supercontinent called Pangea, surrounded by an oceanic plate on which Panthalasa, the great ocean, was located. Over time, those masses broke apart and drifted to their present locations.
What is and what is not a Geopark?
A geopark is a territory recognised by the UNESCO, which shelters geological heritage of international importance. This recognition does not protect the territory legally but recognises the heritage management model as a tool for local sustainable development. UNESCO Global Geoparks Network comprises 161sites in 44 countries around the world, from which 74 belong to the European Network, distributed around 24 countries. The geological, mineralogical, geophysical, geomorphologic, paleontological and geographic resources of each geopark are used as the basis for geological heritage promotion in order to:
- Promote education on geological and environmental aspects.
- Ensure sustainable development based on geotourism.
- Contribute for the protection of points of geological interest under threat.
In short, a Geopark is based on its geological peculiarities but it is not all about geology. A Geopark must demonstrate that it shelters geological heritage of national and international significance and it must aim to explore, develop and promote the relationships between geological heritage and all other heritage features in the territory, may they be natural, cultural or intangible. Such territory is part of a global network, where the best practices related to geological heritage preservation are shared and its integration in sustainable development strategies is sought.