Rudrón Canyon-La Lora Moorlands-Sedano Valley

Hoces del Alto Ebro and Rudrón Natural Park is located in the transition area between the wet summer climate in the north and the dry summer one in the south. Because of this and of its exceptional relief carved by the two rivers after which it is named, this area has unique features from all points of view. Landscape is undoubtedly one of its most important values, but so are its extraordinary habitats and flora and fauna species biodiversity and the rich cultural and historical heritage.

The southwestern part ploughed by the Rudrón shows moorlands, slopes and valley bottoms, whereas the northeastern region, the Ebro one, extends into territories of more complex geomorphologic structures. 

The network of trails tries to show all of the beauty of this territory to visitors. It is very comfortable to walk through since it runs throughout old roadways. It also presents great contrasts, running through valley bottoms and going up slopes towards the moorlands and going down again. This territory is really surprising with all its flora, fauna, springs, upwellings, caves and tuffaceous waterfalls. The surrounding villages are also exceptional and although most of them are almost abandoned, they shelter Prehistoric gems (dolmens and necropolises) and Romanesque ones too (churches and hermitages) as well as emblazoned palaces, fountains and drystone huts. The historical and cultural significance of this territory is side by side to its natural one. 

From any point and at any moment visitors may watch birds of prey flying over the territory, as well as vultures, golden eagles, Egyptian vultures and peregrine falcons. Steppe birds like hen and Montagus’ harriers can also be regularly watched. On the way the visitor will be accompanied by woods of Holm oak, oak, beech and pine and also escarpments, cliffs and riversides.